Monday, January 25, 2010

An Independent Party

The Democrats and Republicans are in trouble. the reason why is of their own making.
through arrogance and ignorance the two party system is finally working together to achieve a result that, in my opinion will be one of the best things to ever happen to this country.
The evolution of a two party system has always bothered me. I know the reasons our elected officials bringing about a two party system, it reminds me of religion, a way to control people. The issue that has always bothered me is the way a party system restricts choices and views.
Whatever party you belong to has a stance on issues and if you deviate from that platform you are seen as disloyal to your party.
maybe it's just me but if you consider each issue independently it seems the government and society would be more likely to find answers that work out better for everyone.
Now I have given away the name of the of a group strengthened by bickering, infighting, childish debates and inaction...the Independents.
One poll puts the numbers as follows
Independents 39%
Democrats 33%
Republicans 22%

The good thing, again, in my opinion, is the fact Independents are growing, and growing fast.
As the youth enter the tricky world of political opinion they are realizing that to align themselves with one political party will limit their choices on issues that many times seem to be common sense unrealized because of a pledge to one party or another.
I wonder if the ways of the old boy network are being slowly squashed by the results of arrogant and often stupid old men and women too caught up in their foolish ways to notice a group growing behind them.
Wouldn't it be ironic if a group call 'Independents' could manage to bring us all closer together?

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